Water is a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing in gaseous, liquid and solid states respectively. It is one of the most essential and abundant compounds. It has the ability to dissolve other substances. It is tasteless, colorless and odourless at room temperature.

Benefits of water;

1. It helps in transportation of minerals and nutrients throughout the body.

2. It boosts your immune system.

3. It flushes out toxins.

4. It boosts your brain activities.

5. It improves oxygen circulation in your body.

6. It keeps you energized and loose weight.

7. It aids proper digestion.

8. It diluted minerals and salts that can concentrate in the kidneys to become stone.

9. It boosts your skin health and makes you work out better.

10. It protects body organ and tissue.

11. It moistens tissues in the eyes, mouth and nose.

12. It lubricates your joints and regulate body temperature.

In order to have a good health, make sure you drink 3-4 liters of water daily. "Water is life", health is wealth. You can add yours through the comment box below. Thank you and stay tuned.